Hepatitis B infection reported with cancer chemotherapy: analyzing the US FDA Adverse Event Reporting System. 分子標的治療抗癌剤とB型肝炎感染との関連性評価 対象DB:FAERS
Short-Term Outcomes following Hepatectomy in Elderly Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma: An Analysis of 10,805 Septuagenarians and 2,381 Octo- and Nonagenarians in Japan. 肝細胞癌切除術の安全性評価。ロジスティック回帰分析を用いた年齢がアウトカムに及ぼす影響評価 対象DB:DPC
Nationwide survey of severe postpartum haemorrhage in Japan: an exploratory study using the national database of health insurance claims. 重度分娩後出血の発生率及び原因、輸血量、外科的止血管理評価調査 対象DB:DPC