Ibrutinib-associated ventricular arrhythmia in the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System. イブルチニブによる心室不整脈リスク調査 対象DB:FAERS
Current prescription status of antihypertensive drugs in Japanese patients with hypertension: Analysis by type of comorbidities. 日本人高血圧患者における降圧剤の処方状況、合併症別分析 対象DB:DPC
Association Between Dose of Glucocorticoids and Coronary Artery Lesions in Kawasaki Disease. 川崎病におけるグルココルチコイドと冠動脈病変との関連調査 対象DB:DPC
Severe and predominantly active atopic eczema in adulthood and long term risk of cardiovascular disease: population based cohort study. アトピー性湿疹を有する成人を対象とした心臓血管疾患リスク調査 対象DB:CPRD