Detection of Adverse Drug Reactions using Medical Named Entities on Twitter. Twitter上の有害薬物反応の検出報告 対象DB:FAERS
Mechanism-based Pharmacovigilance over the Life Sciences Linked Open Data Cloud. オープンデータを対象とした薬物相互作用並びに薬剤有害反応を検出するためのAprioriアルゴリズム 対象DB:FAERS
Incidence and risk of glucocorticoid-associated adverse effects in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. 関節リウマチ患者のグルココルチコイド関連による副作用発生率とリスク定量評価 対象DB:CPRD
What is the impact of regulatory guidance and expiry of drug patents on dementia drug prescriptions in England? A trend analysis in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. 英国における認知症薬についてのガイドラインの変更、追加、認知活動満了等の影響調査 対象DB:CPRD
Cancer recording in patients with and without type 2 diabetes in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink primary care data and linked hospital admission data: a cohort study. がん患者・糖尿病患者を対象としてCPRD並びにHESAPCデータの比較調査 対象DB:CPRD
Hormonal contraception is not associated with increased risk for seizures in the general population: results from a cohort study using The Health Improvement Network. ホルモン避妊薬と発作リスクとの関連調査 対象DB:THIN
Early Life Incidence of Gastrointestinal and Respiratory Infections in Children with Gastroschisis: A Cohort Study. 先天性腹壁破裂児の消化器・呼吸器感染調査 対象DB:THIN