Serious Adverse Drug Events Reported to the FDA: Analysis of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System 2006-2014 Database. 重篤な有害事象報告に注目したレトロスペクティブな研究 対象DB:FAERS
Neuropsychiatric clinical manifestations in elderly patients treated with hydroxychloroquine: a review article. ヒドロキシクロロキン投与の高齢患者における精神神経症状臨床的徴候レビュー 対象DB:EudraVigilance
Cervical dysplasia in a patient with multiple sclerosis treated with natalizumab. 多発性硬化症患者におけるナタリズマブ投与による子宮頚部形成異常症例報告 対象DB:VigiBase
Representativeness of a digitally engaged population and a patient organisation population with rheumatoid arthritis and their willingness to participate in research: a cross-sectional study. オンラインヘルスコミュニティに属する関節リウマチ患者の研究参加意欲の横断的研究 対象DB:CPRD
Prescription Patterns of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors for Various Indications: A UK Population-based Study. ACE阻害剤の様々な適応症に対する処方パターン調査 対象DB:CPRD