No signal of interactions between influenza vaccines and drugs used for chronic diseases: a case-by-case analysis of the vaccine adverse event reporting system and vigibase. インフルエンザワクチンと慢性疾患処方薬との相互作用についてのケースバイケース分析 対象DB:VAERS,VigiBase
Association of dialysis with in-hospital disability progression and mortality in community-onset stroke. 脳血管疾患のリスク上昇と透析療法患者による重篤率・死亡率の関連性検討 対象DB:DPC
Clinical features and peripartum outcomes in pregnant women with cardiac disease: a nationwide retrospective cohort study in Japan. 心疾患のある妊婦の臨床的特徴と周産期アウトカム調査 対象DB:DPC