Adverse events of smoking cessation treatments (nicotine replacement therapy and non-nicotine prescription medication) and electronic cigarettes in the Food and Drug Administration Adverse Event Reporting System, 2004-2016. 禁煙治療(ニコチン置換療法・非ニコチン処方薬)および電子タバコに関連する有害事象評価 対象DB:FAERS
Thirteen-year trend in the persistence with vitamin K antagonists for venous thromboembolism in the UK: a cohort study. 静脈血栓塞栓症患者へのビタミンK拮抗薬による抗凝固持続時間持続性についての傾向調査 対象DB:CPRD
Rheumatoid arthritis and excess mortality: down but not out. A primary care cohort study using data from Clinical Practice Research Datalink. 関節リウマチと死亡率との関連性調査 対象DB:CPRD
Antidepressant utilisation and incidence of weight gain during 10 years' follow-up: population based cohort study. 抗うつ薬と体重との長期間における関連性調査 対象DB:CPRD
The importance of validating intracranial bleeding diagnoses in The Health Improvement Network, United Kingdom: Misclassification of onset and its impact on the risk associated with low-dose aspirin therapy. 頭蓋内出血発症誤分類による低用量アスピリン処方とリスクへの影響調査 対象DB:THIN