6月25日〜7月1日の間に収集した論文情報を追加しました。(3/3) Signals of gastroesophageal reflux disease caused by incretin-based drugs: a disproportionality analysis using the Japanese adverse drug event report database. インクレチン系薬剤と胃食道逆流症(GERD)との関係性調査 対象DB:JADER
Ascertainment and validation of major bleeding events in a primary care database 抗凝固剤投与患者における出血事象の同定と検証評価 対象DB:THIN
Pleural adverse drugs reactions and protein kinase inhibitors: identification of suspicious targets by disproportionality analysis from VigiBase(R). キナーゼ阻害剤と胸膜疾患のリスク調査並びに関与するPKの文献レビュー 対象DB:VigiBase
Age-related decline in antibiotic prescribing for uncomplicated respiratory tract infections in primary care in England following the introduction of a national financial incentive (the Quality Premium) for health commissioners to reduce use of antibiotics in the community: an interrupted time series analysis. 国家財政インセンティブ(The Quality Premium)介入による気道感染患者への抗生物質処方への影響評価 対象DB:CPRD
The timing of onset of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and the risk of incident hypertension and cardiovascular disease. 妊娠中の高血圧性障害の発症時期と高血圧および心血管疾患のリスク調査 対象DB:CPRD