Reports of Lower Respiratory Tract Infection following Dose 1 of RotaTeq and Rotarix Vaccines to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 2008-2016.ロタウイルスワクチン投与後の下部呼吸器感染症報告調査 対象DB:VAERS
Bullous Pemphigoid and Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Inhibitors: A Disproportionality Analysis Based on the Japanese Adverse Drug Event Report Database.DPP-4阻害剤と水疱性類天疱瘡の関連調査 対象DB:JADER
Change in Albuminuria and Risk of Renal and Cardiovascular Outcomes: Natural Variation Should Be Taken into Account.尿中アルブミン/クレアチニン比の変化と腎疾患・心疾患転帰リスク関連性評価 対象DB:CPRD
Domperidone use and risk of primary liver cancer in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. ドンペリドン処方患者における肝臓がんとの関連性調査 対象DB:CPRD