Herpes virus reactivation induced by abrocitinib: A real-world pharmacovigilance analysis of the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database.
アブストラクト PURPOSE:Large real-world studies evaluating the association between abrocitinib and herpes virus reactivation are lacking. This objective of investigation was to delineate the characteristics of abrocitinib-associated herpes virus reactivation through the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System.RESULTS:Total of 56 reports were distinctly associated with herpes virus reactivation, with serious adverse events accounting for 67.86 %.Several noteworthy findings emerged:(1) female is associated with relatively high risk of herpes virus reactivation. (2) The proportion of herpes virus reactivation cases reported from the United States has decreased significantly compared to the overall reports. (3) The inclusion of dupilumab in combination regimens appeared to be associated with a comparatively reduced risk of herpes virus reactivation, while the risk of regimens containing baricitinib was increased.CONCLUSION:These findings will help us to identify risk factors for herpes virus activation in atopic dermatitis patients, and facilitate the implementation of targeted measures to prevent and mitigate herpes virus activation.ジャーナル名 Diagnostic microbiology and infectious disease Pubmed追加日 2024/9/29 投稿者 Chen, Maohua; Ke, Chengjie; Huang, Yaping 組織名 Department of Pharmacy, Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Area Hospital, Pingtan;Comprehensive Experimental Area, Fuzhou, 350400, China.;Department of Pharmacy, The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical;University, Fuzhou, 350005, China; Department of Pharmacy, National Regional;Medical Center, Binhai Campus of the First Affiliated Hospital, Fujian Medical;University, Fuzhou, 350005, China.;Department of Pharmacy, Shengli Clinical Medical College of Fujian Medical;University, Fujian Provincial Hospital, Fuzhou University Affiliated Provincial;Hospital, NO.134 Dongjie Street, Fuzhou, 350001, Fujian, China. Electronic;address: hyp1997624@163.com. Pubmed リンク https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/39340963/ -