Public Interest in Montelukast Prior to and After Announcement of Black Box Warning and Associations With Adverse Event Reports.
アブストラクト ジャーナル名 The journal of pediatric pharmacology and therapeutics : JPPT : the official journal of PPAG 投稿日 2024/2/9 投稿者 Abdelkader, Samer; Hartwell, Micah; Hendrix-Dicken, Amy D; Escala, Michelle; Condren, Michelle 組織名 Department of Pediatrics (SA, ADH-D, ME, MC), University of Oklahoma School of;Community Medicine, Tulsa, OK.;Office of Medical Student Research (MH), Oklahoma State University College of;Osteopathic Medicine at Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah, OK.;Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (MH), Oklahoma State University;Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, OK. Pubmed リンク -