Contraceptives as possible risk factors for postpartum depression: A retrospective study of the food and drug administration adverse event reporting system, 2004-2015. 避妊薬による産後うつ病のリスク調査 対象DB:FAERS
Adverse Events to Food Supplements Containing Red Yeast Rice: Comparative Analysis of FAERS and CAERS Reporting Systems. 紅米酵母を含むサプリメントの有害事象調査報告 対象DB:FAERS,CAERS
Post-licensure safety surveillance of zoster vaccine live (Zostavax(R)) in the United States, Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 2006-2015. 水痘及び帯状疱疹原因ウィルスVZV弱毒株である岡株を有効成分とする生ワクチンであるZOSTAVXの ワクチン接種後安全性評価 対象DB:VAERS
Association Between Serotonin Syndrome and Second-Generation Antipsychotics via Pharmacological Target-Adverse Event Analysis. 第2世代抗精神病薬とセロトニン症候群との関連性評価 対象DB:FAERS
Adverse events reported to the Food and Drug Administration from 2004 to 2016 for cosmetics and personal care products marketed to newborns and infants. 新生児・乳児に使用される化粧品及びパーソナルケア製品に関する有害事象調査報告 対象DB:CAERS
The risk of neurodevelopmental disorders following Thimerosal-containing Hib vaccine in comparison to Thimerosal-free Hib vaccine administered from 1995 to 1999 in the United States. チメロサール含有有無によるHibワクチンによる神経発達障害リスク調査 対象DB:VAERS